Usage - JVM (Desktop/Backend)
Before using this library you have to initialize it using your KeyId
and Secret
if you are willing to call private methods.
Create a new instance of shop service:
val shopService = Shop.initShopService(
keyId = "your-key-id-goes-here",
secret = "your_secret_goes_here",
isTestMode = true
indicates whether to use development or production API. To get a development keyId
and secret
you need to download Tezro-dev version and retrieve them from there.
will always give you a new instance of IShopService
. Creating a new instance might not be cheap so it is recommended to implement singleton pattern.
Once you create an instance of the service, you can call any method depending on the access level you provide (KeyId + Secret = Full Access
Here’s an example of creating a new order:
//Create a request
val request = shopService.createOrder(
orderId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
name = "Test order ${Random().nextInt()}",
amount = "1",
currency = Order.Currency.USD,
confirmAmountUrl = "",
expiryDate = Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 100000),
photos = listOf(""),
attributes = listOf(Attribute("Color", "Red"))
//Set up listeners to your request and enqueue it
request.setSuccessListener { order ->
//Handle your new order
}.setErrorListener { error ->
//Handle errors
//To cancel your request call
The request will run on a background thread, so no need to worry about blocking the current thread. Follow this Link to check all methods that you can call through this service.